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In Vivo Luciferase Imaging Kit

产品编号: 631758     查看说明书
产品名称: In Vivo Luciferase Imaging Kit  .0   订购此产品 
供应商: clontech
规格: Each
目录价: 12016
库存状态: 期货
应用范围: 活体成象

In Vivo Luciferase Imaging Kit
The In Vivo Luciferase Imaging Kit provides a bioluminescent assay that simplifies the analysis of promoter function in live cells or live animals. The kit uses a membrane-bound luciferase that is displayed on the cell surface, where it can easily access extracellular substrate.
Like our Ready-to-Glow Secreted Luciferase System, the In Vivo Luciferase Imaging Kit combines the advantages of a live-cell assay with the sensitivity of an enzyme-based system. The kit provides an efficient method for either studying the interactions of transcription factors with specific promoters and response elements, or tracking specific cells injected into live animals.
Superior Imaging, Higher Sensitivity…and No Need to Sacrifice Cells or Animals
Key advantages of the In Vivo Luciferase Imaging Kit:
The membrane-bound luciferase produces > 20-fold higher signal than similar assays involving (cytosolic) firefly luciferase due to easy access of substrate to the membrane-bound luciferase.
•The membrane-bound luciferase exhibits higher signal stability than other luciferase reporters, such as Renilla luciferase and firefly luciferase. This allows a longer time window for imaging.
•Although signal intensity decreases with time after substrate addition, the overall fold induction remains the same 30 minutes after substrate addition.
•Ease of use, elimination of cell lysis or animal sacrifice, signal stability, and high signal intensity make the In Vivo Luciferase Imaging Kit a powerful tool for high-throughput applications.
The In Vivo Luciferase Imaging Kit contains two vectors (one reporter and one control that constitutively expresses the reporter protein) and a lyophilized substrate. The reporter vector encodes a membrane-bound, luciferase-based reporter protein derived from the secreted luciferase of Metridia longa (1). Insertion of a functional promoter upstream of the reporter gene causes the expression of the reporter protein. The expressed reporter is directed to the cell membrane, where the substrate can easily access it from the extracellular environment.

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上一个:Ready-To-Glow Automation Kit[631740/5000 Rxns]
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