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ODN TTAGGG control

产品编号: tlrl-ttagc-1     查看说明书
产品名称: ODN TTAGGG control  .0   订购此产品 
供应商: Invivogen
规格: 1 mg
目录价: 6216
库存状态: 二周到货
应用范围: 生化试验

ODN TTAGGG control
Negative control for ODN TTAGGG (ODN A151)
Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) recognizes specific unmethylated CpG oligonucleotide (ODN) sequences that distinguish microbial DNA from mammalian DNA.
Recent studies suggest the existence of DNA sequences that can neutralize the stimulatory effect of CpG ODNs [1]. These sequences are characterized by three consecutive Gs downstream of a C or A, addition of a fourth G (G-tetrads) increases the inhibitory capability.
The most potent inhibitory sequences are (TTAGGG)4 found in mammalian telomeres [2] and ODN 2088 which derives from a stimulatory ODN by replacement of 3 bases [3]. Inhibitory ODNs act by disrupting the colocalization of CpG ODNs with TLR9 in endosomal vesicles without affecting cellular binding and uptake.
ODN TTAGGG Control is a negative control for the inhibitory ODN TTAGGG (ODN A151).
Working concentration: 100 nM - 10 µM
Solubility:  2.5 mg/ml in water
ODN TTAGGG Control sequence
5’-gct aga tgt tag cgt-3’ (15 mer)
Note: Bases are phosphorothioate (nuclease resistant).
Quality control:
- The absence of bacterial contamination (endotoxins, peptidoglycans) is controlled using HEK-Blue™ TLR2 and HEK-Blue™ TLR4 cells.

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上一个:ODN TTAGGG control[tlrl-ttagc/200 μg]
下一个:Tamoxifen[tlrl-txf/200 mg]
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