ProteoExtract® Complete Mammalian Proteome Extraction Kit
C-PEK Mammalian Kit
A complete mammalian proteome extraction kit (C-PEK) designed to extract virtually all proteins from both mammalian tissues and culture cells in a simple two step process within a microcentrifuge tube to minimize protein loss. The extraction results in a total protein sample that is a clarified and non-viscous protein solution showing higher resolution and an increased total number of spots in 2-D gel electrophoresis. Sample size: 1x107 - 1x108 cells or 50-100 mg tissue.
Form 20 Extractions
Avoid freeze/thaw 是的
Sample type Mammalian tissues and cultured cells
Kit contains Wash Buffer, Resuspension Buffer, Extraction Reagent, Reducing Reagent, Benzonase® Nuclease (Cat. No. 71206), Glass Beads, and a user protocol.
Storage +2°C to +8°C
Ship Ambient Temperature Only
Multiple Toxicity Values, refer to MSDS |