Bacitracin Altracin, Protein Disulfide Isomerase Inhibitor I, PDI Inhibitor I A polypeptide antibiotic and peptidase inhibitor. An inhibitor of protein disulfide isomerase. Resembles penicillin in causing protoplast formation and inhibition of cell wall synthesis. Blocks the regeneration of carrier phospholipid. Stimulates 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors and increases vascular resistance. Note: 1 KU = 1000 units. 产品信息 Form Gray-white solid Unit definition One unit is defined as the amount of antibiotic equal to 26 µg of the USP standard. Note: 1 ku = 1000 units. Biological activity Potency ≥40 Bacitracin units/mg solid, as is Solubility EtOH or H2O RTECS CP0175000 CAS number 1405-87-4 Merck USA index 14, 934 商店和运输信息 Storage +2°C to +8°C Ship Ambient Temperature Only Standard Handling