Genopure Plasmid Midi Kit/Genopure质粒DNA中量纯化试剂盒 Contents 1.Suspension Buffer, 100 ml 2.RNase A, 12 mg 3.Lysis Buffer, 100 ml 4.Neutralization Buffer, 100 ml 5.Equilibration Buffer, 70 ml 6.Wash Buffer, 250 ml 7.Elution Buffer, 125 ml 8.NucleoBond AX 100 Columns, 20 9.Folded Filters (150 mm diameter), 20 10.Sealing Rings, 10 Benefits •Requires very little hands-on time (approx. 10 min) •Saves time, because the overall procedure requires only 60 min •Works well with all sizes and types of plasmid •Purifies even large DNA constructs, since the crude lysate may be filtered to avoid plasmid shearing Application Use this kit to prepare "transfection grade" plasmid DNA in medium quantities (up to 100 μg plasmid) from bacterial cultures. Plasmid isolated from the “midi prep” is suitable for most molecular biology applications, including: •Transfection •Southern blotting •Sequencing •PCR •Restriction analysis •Cloning •Can process multiple samples in parallel |