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GC Rich PCR System dNTPack

产品编号: 4743784001     查看说明书
产品名称: GC Rich PCR System dNTPack  .0   订购此产品 
供应商: Roche
规格: 100 U
目录价: 1877

GC-RICH PCR System, dNTPack  
Optimized system for amplification of difficult targets up to 5 kb by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), with ready-to-use PCR Nucleotide Mix.
1.GC-RICH Enzyme Mix , in storage buffer
2.GC-RICH Reaction Buffer, 5x, with 7.5 mM MgCl2 and DMSO
3.GC-RICH Resolution Solution, 5 M
4.MgCl2 Stock Solution, 25 mM
5.PCR grade water
6.PCR Grade Nucleotide Mix
The GC-RICH PCR System, a blend of Taq DNA Polymerase and a proofreading polymerase, powers through templates that are difficult or impossible to amplify with other polymerases and other blends of polymerases. The enhanced processivity of the blend and the unique GC-RICH Resolution Solution combine to deliver superior performance - especially from problematic templates.
•Amplification of difficult templates up to 5 kb
•Amplify fragments up to 5 kb.
The reagent enables the amplification of a variety of DNA and cDNA fragments.
•Work with difficult DNA templates.
The optimally designed system can amplify difficult templates, including GC-rich targets and repetitive sequences, as well as uniform amplification of a mixture of nucleic acids with varying GC content.
•Benefit from PCR-Grade Water and optimized reagents.
The GC-RICH PCR System conveniently provides a GC-RICH Resolution Solution, buffers with and without Mg2+, MgCl2 solution, PCR-Grade Water, and PCR-Grade Nucleotides.
•Ensure optimal performance by using PCR-Grade Nucleotides.
Our high-purity nucleotides improve experimental consistency and sensitivity.
Product Description
The enzyme dNTPack comprises the GC-RICH PCR System and PCR-Grade Nucleotides in a ready-to-use solution. It is designed to amplify difficult DNA/cDNA templates up to 5 kb in length, including GC-rich targets and repetitive sequences, as well as for uniform amplification of a mixture of nucleic acids with varying GC content (multiplex PCR, construction of random libraries).
TA cloning is recommended. The enzyme blend results in more blunt-ended PCR fragments compared to Taq DNA Polymerase; nevertheless, the majority of products have single A overhangs.
For a standard 50 μl PCR, we recommend using 2 U of the enzyme blend.

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上一个:GC RICH PCR System[12140306001/100 U]
下一个:GDH, 10 mg[10127752001/10 mg (1 ml)]
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