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ApopTag Red In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kit

发布人:浩然生物 浏览 4153次【字号 】 发布时间:2011年09月09日 打印本页
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S7165 APOPTAG RED DETECTION KIT Millipore EA 5049 详细查看 订购

Equilibration Buffer 90416 3.0 mL -15°C to -25°C
Reaction Buffer 90417 2.0 mL -15°C to -25°C
TdT Enzyme 90418 0.64 mL -15°C to -25°C
Stop/Wash Buffer 90419 20 mL -15°C to -25°C
Blocking Solution 90425 2.6 mL -15°C to -25°C
Anti-Digoxigenin-Rhodamine* 90429 2.1 mL 2°C to 8°C
Plastic Coverslips 90421 100 ea. Room Temp.
*affinity purified sheep polyclonal antibody
Number of tests per kit: Sufficient materials are provided to stain 40 tissue specimens of approximately 5 cm2 each when used according to instructions. Reaction Buffer will be fully consumed before other reagents when kits are used for slide-mounted specimens.
Key Applications:
Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin)
Product Overview:
The ApopTag® Red In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kit detects apoptosis in situ by the indirect TUNEL method, utilizing an anti-digoxigenin antibody with a rhodamine fluorochrome. The kit provides indirect immunofluorescence staining for 40 samples. Results are analyzed using either fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry (requires a special laser and filters for rhodamine).
Indirect ApopTag® Kits (S7100, S7101, S7110, S7111 and S7165) have been qualified for use in histochemical and cytochemical staining of the following specimens: formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues, cryostat sections, cell suspensions, cytospins, and cell cultures. Whole mount-methods have been developed (34, 45).
ApopTag® Peroxidase Kits staining specificity has been demonstrated by Chemicon and many other laboratories. Chemicon has tested many types of model cell and tissue systems, including: (a) human prostate, thymus, and large intestine (in-house data); (b) rat ventral prostate post-castration (21), (c) rat thymus lymphocytes treated in vitro with dexamethasone (3, 13), (d) 14-day mouse embryo limbs (1) and (e) rat mammary gland in regression after weaning (36). In the thymocyte and prostate models, agarose gel electrophoresis was used to assess the amount of DNA laddering, which peaked coincidentally with the maximum percentage of stained cells. Numerous journal publications from laboratories worldwide have established the usefulness of ApopTag® Kits. (See Sec. V. References, Publications Citing ApopTag® Kits).
ApopTag® Fluorescein and Rhodamine Kits have been tested for specific staining in these model systems: (a) human normal peripheral blood lymphocytes induced with dexamethasone as stained in cytospins, (b) rat regressing mammary gland as stained in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections, and (c) human leukemic peripheral blood lymphocytes induced with camptothecin, as stained in cell suspensions and used for quantitative flow

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