现货进口|Gram Stain Kit|革兰氏染色液 产品成分: 结晶紫 主要染色 结晶紫3.0 g 异丙醇50.0毫升 乙醇/甲醇50.0毫升 蒸馏水900.0毫升 碘 媒染剂 (准备工作的解决方案从克稀释剂和克碘100 x) 碘晶体3.3 g 碘化钾6.6 g 蒸馏水1.0 L 稳定碘 媒染剂 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮碘复杂的100.0 g 碘化钾19.0 g 蒸馏水1.0 L 脱色剂 丙酮250.0毫升 异丙醇750.0毫升 红色染料 复染色 红色染料O粉(纯染料)4.0 g 乙醇/甲醇200.0毫升 蒸馏水800.0毫升 基本洋红 复染色 基本洋红0.08 g 苯酚2.6 g 异丙醇4.5毫升 蒸馏水 用途: 革兰氏染色剂包和试剂用于染色微生物从文化或标本的微分革兰氏染色法。 产品简介: Product Summary: The Gram stain was devised in 1884 by Christian Gram in an attempt to differentiate bacterial cells from infected tissue. Although Gram observed what is now called the ?Gram reaction,? he did not recognize the taxonomic value of his technique. The Gram stain is now used to differentiate intact, morphologically similar bacteria into two groups based on cell color after staining. In addition, cell form, size and structural details are evident. Such preliminary information provides important clues to the type of organism(s) present and the further techniques required to characterize them. Because inorganic iodine is rapidly oxidized and loses its effectiveness as a mordant,1 the Gram Stain Kit (Cat. No. 212539) differs from Gram?s original formulation by offering a more stable organic iodine complex, L-polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine. |