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产品编号: A-3000-5 mg     查看说明书
产品名称: 6"-O-Acetylgenistin  .0   订购此产品 
供应商: LC
规格: 5 mg
目录价: 4617
A-3000 6"-O-Acetylgenistin, >98% Synonyms: [Genistin 6"-O-Acetate] M.W. 474.41 C23H22O11 [73566-30-0] Storage: Store desiccated at or below -20 ºC. Solubility: Soluble in DMSO or ethanol. Disposal: A •Isoflavone derivative found in soy-based food products. Wang, H. and Murphy, P.A. "Isoflavone content in commercial soybean foods." J. Agric. Food Chem. 42: 1666-1673 (1994). •STABILITY: Very little information about the stability of this compound is available at present. In our experience, when stored in the dry state, frozen and desiccated, this compound has retained its original purity for several years. We have been informed that aqueous or alcoholic solutions can undergo substantial decomposition less than a day after being prepared, particularly if they are held at room temperature. We recommend that this product be stored in bulk in the dry state, with a desiccant, at the coldest available temperature. Small working quantities of solutions should be made up just prior to use. •Aqueous solutions of this compound are somewhat unstable, particularly at room temperature; several percent decomposition can occur in 12-24 hours. For quantitative work, standard solutions should be made fresh daily. •The 1 mg size (+ ca. 2-3%) consists of a film adhering to the walls of the ampule and may not be easily subdivided by weighing. The larger sizes contain a weighable powder. •The 98% purity figure may include small amounts of acetyl monoesters other than the 6"-isomer. •Another CAS number previously assigned to acetylgenistin, namely 380614-26-6, has been deleted by CAS and is no longer in use. •See also these related products: G-6055 Genistein G-5200 Genistin M-8090 6"-O-Malonylgenistin •Sold for laboratory or manufacturing purposes only; not for human, medical, veterinary, food, or household use.
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上一个:6"-O-Acetylgenistin[A-3000-25 mg/25 mg]
下一个:17-AAG[A-6880-1 g/1 g]
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