E. coli ssDNA / LyoVec™ E. coli ssDNA is an ultrapure, endotoxin-free preparation of bacterial single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). It is a better TLR9 ligand than E. coli DNA ef (dsDNA endotoxin-free) as TLR9 binds directly and sequence-specifically to single-stranded unmethylated CpG-DNA. E. coli ssDNA is complexed with the cationic lipid LyoVec™ to allow a better internalization of the immunostimulatory DNA to the acidic compartment where TLR9 is expressed. Specificity: TLR9 agonist Working Concentration: 1 - 10 μg/ml Endotoxin level: < 0.001 EU/µg Solubility: 0.1 mg/ml in water