DNeasy Blood Tissue Kit 用于从动物的血液和组织,细胞,酵母,细菌和病毒中提取总DNA 重复性好 — 为各种样本提供标准化的纯化方法 即使是特殊类型起始样本也可以获得高产量DNA 高品质DNA — 用于敏感的下游应用, 如多重及定量 PCR 经过优化的操作方法适合处理各种起始样本 可满足多种通量的需要 — 有离心柱方式或96孔板高通量方式 DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kits provide fast and easy silica-based DNA purification in convenient spin-column and 96-well-plate formats. Most samples can be directly lysed with proteinase K, eliminating the need for mechanical disruption and reducing hands-on time. Optimized protocols for specific sample types provide reproducible purification of high-quality DNA for life science, genotyping, and veterinary pathogen research applications. Purification of DNA using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit can be automated on the QIAcube. DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kits provide reliable results — from laboratory analysis of transgenic mice (see figure "High-Throughput DNA Purification Using the DNeasy 96 Blood & Tissue Kit") to livestock breeding programs (see figure "Genotyping of Pigs for Quality Management of Livestock") and pedigree genotyping. Routine testing applications can be easily scaled up using the DNeasy 96 Blood & Tissue Kit (see figure "High-Throughput DNA Purification Using the DNeasy 96 Blood & Tissue Kit"). Purified DNA is free from PCR inhibitors, enabling sensitive detection in standard, multiplex (see figure "Efficient 16plex PCR over a Range of Template Amounts"), and real-time PCR (see figure "Real-Time PCR Detection of Borrelia DNA in Ticks"). DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kits provide high-quality DNA, ready to use in all downstream assays, including applications in: Life science research Livestock breeding Pedigree genotyping Veterinary pathogen research Routine applied testing