QIA76 Live/Dead Double Staining Kit
This kit uses a cell-permeable green fluorescent Cyto-dye (Ex. max.: 488 nm; Em. max.: 518 nm) to stain live cells, and propidium iodide (Ex. max.: 488 nm; Em. max.: 615 nm) to stain dead cells. Stained live and dead cells can be visualized by fluorescence microscopy using a band-pass filter which detects FITC and rhodamine. Viable cells will stain only with the Cyto-dye, fluorescing green, whereas the dead cells will stain with both Cyto-dye (green) and propidium iodide (red), resulting in a yellow fluorescence. Note: 1 T = 1 test. Optimal staining conditions may vary among different cell types and should be determined empirically by the investigator
Format Fluorescence microscopy
Form 100 Tests
Detection method Fluorescence
Species reactivity a broad range of species
Protect from Moisture 是的
Assay time 0.5 h
Sample type Cell suspensions or adherent cells
Kit contains Staining Buffer, Cyto-Dye, Propidium Iodide, and a user protocol
在正常情况下,活性染料不能进入具有完整胞膜的细胞,当细胞发生凋亡或有膜结构的破坏,这些染料可以进入细胞内,使用有膜通透性的绿色荧光胞浆染料来标记活细胞及PI来标记死细胞。活细胞仅被胞浆染料标记发绿色荧光,而死细胞同时被告胞浆染料(绿色)及PI(红色)标记发黄色荧光。该试剂盒适合免疫荧光及流式细胞检测。 |