Overnight Express™ Autoinduction System 1
Overnight Express™ Autoinduction System 1
With Overnight Express Autoinduction System 1, a period of cell growth is followed by spontaneous induction of protein expression—without monitoring cell density and without conventional induction with IPTG. The method is based on media components that are metabolized differentially to promote growth to high density and automatically induce protein expression from lac promoters.
The kit contains three components: OnEx™ Solution 1, OnEx Solution 2, and OnEx Solution 3. OnEx Solution 1 is a blend of carbon sources optimized for tightly regulated uninduced growth to high cell density followed by high-level induction. OnEx Solution 2 is a concentrated buffer and nitrogen blend that mediates metabolic acid production and provides additional nitrogen for increased protein synthesis. OnEx Solution 3 provides magnesium for maximal cell density. Addition of these components to traditional glucose-free E. coli culture media, such as LB broth, TB, or animal-free Veggie™ media results in high cell densities, autoinduction of expression, and maximum soluble protein yields (Grabski 2003).
The Overnight Express Autoinduction System is extremely convenient for routine expression of proteins in multiple cultures and is ideal for high-throughput parallel analysis of protein expression, solubility, and purification from multiple expression clones. The Overnight Express Autoinduction System together with the Novagen RoboPop™ Solubility Screening Kit and RoboPop Purification Kits allow rapid optimization of the host-vector combinations, expression conditions, and purification parameters for high-throughput production of proteins for structural or functional analysis.
High-level protein expression without the need to monitor cell growth The Overnight Express™ Autoinduction Systems enable regulated protein expression in E. coli without monitoring the culture or adding inducer during cell growth. These unique culture media are based on technology by F. William Studier at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The products include Overnight Express Instant TB Medium, System 1, and System 2. The granulated Instant TB Medium formulation combines Overnight Express System 1 and Terrific Broth (TB) into a rich culture medium, making autoinduction of protein expression even more convenient. The Overnight Express Autoinduction Systems feature high-level protein production in the pET and other IPTGinducible bacterial expression systems without the need to monitor cell growth. Cell mass and target protein yield are often increased severalfold as compared with conventional protocols using induction with IPTG
Overnight Express Instant TB Medium
Overnight Express Instant TB Medium is a complete granulated culture medium for high-level protein production in the pET and other IPTG-inducible bacterial expression systems without the need to monitor cell growth. Cell mass and target protein yield are often increased several-fold as compared with conventional protocols using induction with IPTG. The method is based on media components that are metabolized differentially to promote growth to high density and automatically induce protein expression from lac promoters. The Overnight Express Instant TB Medium is extremely convenient for routine expression of proteins in multiple cultures and is ideal for high-throughput parallel analysis of protein expression, solubility, and purification from multiple expression clones
Overnight Express Instant TB Medium is supplied in two formats. EasyPak is an aluminum foil pouch containing 60 g granulated medium sufficient for 1 L culture. Just add the EasyPak contents to 1 L water, supplement with 10 ml glycerol, and microwave for 2 minutes to sterilize. In addition, the Overnight Express Instant TB Medium is supplied in 1 kg bottles. The granules ensure rap |