122643 ProteoExtract® Albumin/IgG Removal Kit, Maxi
High capacity, reusable columns specifically designed for the rapid and efficient removal of >80% of albumin (column 1 containing albumin-affinity resin) and IgG (column 2 containing immobilized protein A) from body fluid samples, either on an LC-instrument or manually, attached to a syringe. Removal of these high abundance proteins allows enhanced detection of low abundance proteins.
Format Affinity column
Form 20 Albumin-containing samples (60-180 μl each) and 10 IgG-containing samples (60-180 μl each)
Protect from Light 是的
Do not freeze 是的
Sample type Serum, plasma, CSF
Kit contains Two Albumin Removal Columns, one IgG Removal Column, 10X Albumin/IgG Binding Buffer, Albumin Elution Buffer, IgG Elution Buffer, and a user protocol.
Hazardous Materials Attention: Due to the nature of the Hazardous Materials in this shipment, additional shipping chargesmay be applied to your order. Certain sizes may be exempt from the additional hazardous materials shipping charges. Please contact your local sales office for more information regarding these charges.
Storage +2°C to +8°C
Ship Blue Ice Only
Multiple Toxicity Values, refer to MSDS