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原装现货|RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

产品编号: 10881767001     查看说明书
产品名称: 原装现货|RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U  .0   订购此产品 
供应商: Roche
规格: 1,000 U
目录价: 1277
库存状态: 现货

T7 RNA Polymerase from Escherichia coli BL 21/pAR 1219
T7 RNA Polymerase can transcribe RNA from cloned DNA templates that are downstream from a T7 promoter. The synthesis can be performed with labeled NTPs to generate highly labeled RNA. Synthesized RNA can be used in many applications, including: 
•RNA or DNA blotting techniques 
•In situ hybridization
•RNase protection studies
•Synthesis of capped RNA in vitro (after addition of m7GpppG or m7GpppA)
Product Description
Brief description: T7 RNA polymerase is a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase that is highly specific for its promoter. Only DNA downstream from the T7promoter will be transcribed.
Source: E. coli BL21/pAR1219
Structure: single polypeptide chain
Molecular weight: Mr = 98 kD
Background Information
Additional facts about T7 RNA polymerase include:
•The T7 RNA Polymerase requires a DNA template and Mg2+ for the synthesis of RNA.
•The enzyme is strongly stimulated by BSA or spermidine.
•In contrast to bacterial RNA polymerases, T7 RNA polymerase is not inhibited by the antibiotic rifampicin.
•Although the T7 and T3 promoter sequences differ only by 3 bp, T7 RNA polymerase will not transcribe DNA cloned downstream from the T3 promoter.
1.T7 RNA Polymerase, ≥20 U/μl, in buffer, pH 7.9
2.Transcription Buffer, 10x conc.

保存条件: -25至-15℃
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上一个:RNA Polymerase, T3, 5000 U[11031171001/5,000 U ]
下一个:RNA Polymerase, T7, 5000 U[10881775001/5,000 U ]
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