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发布人:浩然生物 浏览 13187次【字号 】 发布时间:2013年04月19日 打印本页

名称 产地 货号 规格 目录价 折扣 特价
ptracer-sv40 veceor invitrogen V87120 20UG 6669 75折 5001

产地: invitrogen
货号: V87120
规格: 20 UG
名称: pTracer-SV40 Vector
Three pTracer™ mammalian expression vectors are available that express GFP fused to the selectable marker Zeocin™ . Each vector uses a different set of promoters to express the gene of interest and the Cycle 3 GFP-Zeocin™ fusion.
All three pTracer™ vectors have the following features:
Cycle 3 GFP-Zeocin™ fusion for selection in mammalian cell lines
BGH polyA signal and transcription termination sequences to enhance mRNA stability
The pTracer™-SV40 vector offers:
SV40 promoter for high-level constitutive expression of your gene of interest
CMV promoter for high-level constitutive expression of the Cycle 3 GFP-Zeocin™ fusion
SV40 origin for episomal replication and simple vector rescue in cell lines expressing the SV40 large T antigen
The pTracer™-EF vectors offer:
EF-1α promoter for high-level constitutive expression of your gene of interest
CMV promoter for high-level constitutive expression of the Cycle 3 GFP-Zeocin™ fusion
C-terminal V5 epitope tag for simple detection of recombinant fusion proteins with an Anti-V5 Antibody
C-terminal 6xHis tag for rapid purification on nickel-chelating resin and simple detection with an Anti-His(C-term) Antibody
Multiple cloning site supplied in three reading frames to simplify cloning in frame with the C-terminal tag
The pTracer™-CMV2 vector offers:
CMV promoter for high-level constitutive
expression of your gene of interest
EF-1α promoter for high-level constitutive expression of the Cycle 3 GFP-Zeocin™ fusion
Ampicillin resistance gene for selection in E. coli
For Research Use Only. Not for any animal or human therapeutic or diagnostic use
Promoter: SV40 
Protein Tag or Fusion: Untagged 
Reporter: GFP (Cycle 3)
Constitutive or Inducible System: Constitutive
Delivery Method: Transfection 
Cloning Method: Restriction Enzyme ⁄ MCS
Key Function: Reporter Assays 
Selection Agent (Eukaryotic): Zeocin™
Vector Type: pTracer
Product Size: 20 µg
Regulatory Statement: For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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