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发布人:浩然生物 浏览 13627次【字号 】 发布时间:2011年06月22日 打印本页

货号 产品名称 厂家 规格 单价 详细 订购
17100017 COLLAGENASE- TYPE I Invitrogen 1G 2610 详细查看 订购
17101015 COLLAGENASE- TYPE II Invitrogen 1G 2610 详细查看 订购
17104019 COLLAGENASE- TYPE IV Invitrogen 1G 2610 详细查看 订购
Cat. No.:
17100 Type I
17101 Type II
17102 Type III
17103 Hepatocyte Qualified
17104 Type IV
Sizes: See catalog.
Custom pack sizes available upon request.
Storage: 2 to 8°C (-5 to -20°C after reconstitution)
Avoid moisture and exposure to light.
Avoid inhalation and skin contact.
This product is intended for cell or tissue disaggregation only.
Collagenase (from clostridium histolyticum) is a protease with a specificity for the bond between a
neutral amino acid (x) and glycine in the sequence Pro-X-Glyc-Pro. This sequence is found in high
frequency in collagen and is unique among proteases in its ability to degrade the triplehelical native
collagen fibrils commonly found in connective tissue.
The collagenase most commonly used for tissue dissociation is a crude preparation containing
clostripiopeptidase A and a number of other proteases, polysaccharidases and lipases. This crude
enzyme is ideally suited for tissue dissociation since it contains the enzyme required to attack
native collagen and reticular fibers, in addition to the enzymes which hydrolyze the other proteins,
polysaccharides and lipids in th

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