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PD 98059|PD98059|PD-98059

发布人:浩然生物 浏览 5256次【字号 】 发布时间:2011年08月18日 打印本页
货号 产品名称 厂家 规格 单价 详细 订购
513000-10MG PD 98059 Merck *** 1788 详细查看 订购
513000-25MG PD 98059 Merck *** 2388 详细查看 订购
513000-5MG PD 98059 Merck *** 1397 详细查看 订购

513000  PD 98059 ( PD 98059 )
Selective, reversible, and cell-permeable inhibitor of MAP kinase kinase (MEK) that acts by inhibiting the activation of MAP kinase and subsequent phosphorylation of MAP kinase substrates. Pretreatment of PC-12 cells with PD 98059 completely blocks the 4-fold increase in MAP kinase activity produced by nerve growth factor (NGF; IC50 = 2 µM); however, it has no effect on NGF-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of the p140trk receptor or its substrate Shc and does not block NGF-dependent activation of PI 3-kinase. Blocks LPS-induced activation of TNF-α gene expression. Inhibits cell growth and reverses the phenotype of ras-transformed BALB3T3 mouse fibroblasts and rat kidney cells. A 5 mg/ml solution of PD 98059 (Cat. No. 513001) in anhydrous DMSO is also available.
Form  Pale yellow solid
Molar mass  267.3
Protect from Light  Yes
Purity  ≥98% by HPLC
Solubility  DMSO or MeOH
Chemical formula  C16H13NO3
CAS number  167869-21-8
Store and ship information
Storage  -20°C
Ship  Ambient Temperature Only
Standard Handling

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上一个:LY 294002|LY294002|LY-294002)
下一个:PhosphoSafe Extraction Reagent
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