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Trypsin Inhibitor|SBTI|胰蛋白酶抑制剂|CAS:9035-81-

发布人:浩然生物 浏览 6364次【字号 】 发布时间:2011年09月10日 打印本页

中文名:胰朊酶抑制剂, 胰蛋白酶抑制剂
英文名:Trypsin inhibitor,from soybean,Kunitz soybean trypsininhibitor, SBTI
分子量:相对分子质量约 20100
性状:无盐冷冻干粉或粗制粉末。对湿敏感。可溶于水和稀缓冲液。酶反应:胰蛋白酶抑制剂+胰蛋白酶(过量)→[抑制剂•胰蛋白酶]+胰蛋白酶(剩佘)、 苯甲酰精氨酸乙酯剩余胰蛋白酶苯甲酰精氨酸+乙醇。除胰蛋白酶外,还能抑制凝血因子Xa、血纤维蛋白溶酶、血浆激肽释放酶。不抑制金属蛋白酶、巯基蛋白酶、酸性蛋白酶、组织激肽释放酶。等电点pI 4.5。最大吸收波长 280nm。能被强酸、强碱变性,在40℃以上可逆变性。在pH 1.0~12.0稀 的缓冲液中稳定。
用途:用亲和色谱法精制胰蛋白酶。血纤维蛋白/血纤维蛋白原无 降解鉴定试验。
货号 产品名称 厂家 规格 单价 详细 订购
T9003 Trypsin Inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 Sigma 25mg 310 详细查看 订购
T9003 Trypsin Inhibitor 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 Sigma 100mg 1070 详细查看 订购
Sigma T9003  Trypsin inhibitor from Glycine max (soybean)
Type I-S, lyophilized powder
Synonym: SBTI
CAS Number: 9035-81-8
EC Number: 232-906-9
MDL number: MFCD00082103
Analysis Note Protein determined by biuret.
One mg will inhibit 1.0-3.0 mg of trypsin with activity of approx. 10,000 BAEE units per mg protein.
Other Notes Extremely stable: a 1% sterile filtered solution maintained activity for over 3 years when kept refrigerated.
View more information on Trypsin Inhibitor.
Preparation Note Chromatographically prepared
Trypsin inhibitor is soluble in water and phosphate buffers at concentrations of 10 mg/ml or higher. Solutions at higher concentrations may be hazy and have a yellow to amber color.
Unit Definition One trypsin unit will produce a ΔA253 of 0.001 per min with BAEE as substrate at pH 7.6 at 25 °C; reaction volume 3.2 ml, 1 cm light path.
One chymotrypsin unit will hydrolyze 1.0 μmole of BTEE per min at pH 7.8 at 25 °C.
Biochem/physiol Actions Soybean trypsin inhibitor inhibits trypsin and to a lesser extent chymotrypsin and plasmin. It forms a 1:1 stoichiometric complex with trypsin. Upon formation of this complex, trypsin may cleave a single arginine-isoleucine bond in the inhibitor. Dissociation of this complex may yi

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上一个:L-Glutathione Oxidized|GLUTATHIONE, OXIDIZED
下一个:现货|Chymotrypsinogen A|α-Chymotrypsinogen A|
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